看了英文字幕版的片尾曲歌词翻译特别戳心 “朋克民谣说唱还有什么真的不重要哇哦接吻真伟大回响为我的未来打开一扇门coz it's a real thing, not my silly imagination” 不分流派好坏不管等多久最终都会出现在我的生命里让我对世界满怀期待
女權先鋒用攝影機記錄時代而這些都要身先士卒、衝鋒陷陣世俗成見和父權霸權不會自動潰敗:People are afraid of women who speak out, but few have the opportunity to say what they think. When they have one, people are afraid of them because they're not used to it. They think they lack femininity, that they aren't real women.