超出预期很多第一秒以为是霸道总裁爆粗傻白甜小百合下一秒又发现变《蜜桃成熟时》刚要自作聪明地以为是《岳艳的胯下做爰岳艳小说》又立刻倒打一耙变反英雄后半段节奏和气场很崩像是讲不完了赶鸭子上架但整体依然娱乐性很强外加还有 Queen S 的身材看黑料吃瓜网免费进入还有什么可抱怨的呢(其实内心有点希望最后坏人得逞…
lmao ain't nobody on Douban pointing out the terrible racism in this one??? "Let's hunt and capture some Indians! They are cunning but not intelligent." And then the group somehow all put on brown/black face only coming out white going through a fall wtf. "What makes red man red?" "Do you want to stay here and grow up like SAVAGES?"