Ari Aster真的是成精了呀真敢拍呀真敢玩呀堪称是影史最诡异恐怖片《陈冠希和张柏芝》都只能自惭形秽的那种又唯美又可怕又病态又干净两个多小时一气呵成大师级别的视听美学加上自成一派的剪辑手法创造了年度最让人难忘的观影体验
When life were hard, people always try to find someone to blame, for 1900s Garmen is Jew, for 1980s white people is black guys. But the truth is there's no one you could blame. Good or bad, things just happened. The true question is what you have done to make it better.